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The Other Side of the Coin: The Potential Downsides of AI in the Finance Industry

By Dr. Sidika Gulfem Bayram Artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in a wave of transformative changes within the finance industry. The advantages of leveraging these cutting-edge technologies, such as ChatGPT, have been extensively discussed in recent publications, heralding a new era of efficiency, automation, and data-driven decision-making. However, in this era of rapid technological advancement,…

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The True Meaning of Marketing

By: Dr. John Story The Christmas Season is a great time for retailers, but I often think it is the worst time of the year for marketers. Let’s face it, marketers don’t have the best reputations any time of the year. From stereotypes of used-car salespeople, to annoyingly repetitive commercials, to subliminal messages creating cravings…

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Board Attributes and Corporate Philanthropy Behavior during COVID-19. A Case from China

Executives play a crucial role in the decision‐making process of corporate philanthropy. My study focuses on the board characteristics such as female CEO, board size and board overall diversity which can influence a corporation’s decision to engage in philanthropy. According to the International Business Survey 2016, average proportion of female executives in China of 30%…

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To Transcend or not to Transcend?

That is the question… when negotiating. Why? Negotiation is not only an instrument of purpose. It is a purposeful outcome. You will be able to feel that you are doing the right thing; a growing warmth within, putting your whole being at stake. What does it mean to choose not to Transcend in Negotiation? What…

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Student Vision and Values: Hope in Our Future Leaders

By Dr. Anne S. Davis—I teach a Principles of Management to undergraduates in Business at the University of St. Thomas.  In the course of my class, I focus on developing in my students the desire to be successful in whatever they choose.  I prepare assignments to have them look inward and recognize their own personalities,…

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Canadian Crude Oil Blends

By Ali Oktay—Canadian crude oil blends are trading at steep discounts due to pipeline constraints. Let’s start with basics. In the chart below, you can see the different benchmark crudes lined up according to their API gravities. Canada is a major heavy oil producer, and WCS pricing has been recently hit by the pipeline constraints.…

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Tips And Advice For Good And Effective Presentations

  By Dr. Patricio Torres-Palacio —-It was the evening of September 26, 1960. America was witnessing a historic moment: the first general election presidential debate shown on television. After all these years, it has been mentioned that Senator John F. Kennedy, the Democratic nominee, won the debate, and with it the election, over Vice President…

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2014 Election Realities

By Dr. David Schein — A groundswell, also called a “wave” in the media, has swept the Republicans (“GOP”) into control of the US Senate and increased their lead in the US Congress. The implications for the next two years with Obama in the White House and beyond have lead to a number of quick…

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Empiricism and Rationalism in Economics

Empiricism and Rationalism are two schools of philosophy, dating back to the ancient Greeks, dealing with how we obtain our knowledge of the external world.   For Empiricists, such as Aristotle, this is best done through the evidence of our senses, that is, through empirical observations and experiments.  For Rationalists, such as Plato, however, our senses…

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