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How to Apply for GI Bill Benefits | University of St. Thomas

As a veteran, you may be eligible to have some or all of your school paid for by the U.S. Department of veterans Affairs (VA) through the GI Bill. In order to be successful, maximize your benefits and complete your desired program you will want to have a solid plan before you start.

Reasons to Live On Campus in College | Celt Admissions Blog

Is living on campus really worth the additional cost? The answer is yes! Here are 3 reasons why you should live on campus.

5 Tips For an Unforgettable (and Successful) College Experience

College life is all about the experiences in and out of the classroom. Your college experience will not only prepare you with the knowledge to take the next step towards your career path, but also provide skills and valuable lessons to leverage for years to come. Below are five ways in which you can continue…

5 Tips to Understanding Your Financial Aid Award Letter

What Is a Financial Aid Award Notification Letter? A financial aid Award Notification Letter is the letter sent by colleges or universities to students who have applied for financial aid notifying them of their financial aid award. Financial aid award letters are sent in the winter to students who completed the early FAFSA in the fall.  …

College Essay Help: 4 Admissions Essay Tips That’ll Help You Stand Out

Writing a college admissions essay shouldn’t be viewed as an obstacle to acceptance at the university of your choice. It’s actually a great opportunity for you to stand out! And best of all, you have complete control over how you present yourself. Your college entrance essay can help the reader go beyond the numbers and…

6 High School Transcript Submission Tips

When applying to most colleges, your need to submit 3 things: your application, transcript and test scores. Some schools will require an essay, and/or letters of recommendation, but almost all will want your transcripts. This seems like a simple request, but can hold up the process if done incorrectly. Here are some tips to follow…





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