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Things to Do in Houston for Spring Break

Spring break is (finally) right around the corner. Though many of us look forward to destroying our sleep patterns and binge-watching whatever TV series is next on our Netflix queue, there are a few slightly more appealing activities to do give you a little break from the leisure of stretching out like a couch potato.…

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Questions to Ask When Applying for College

There are many different questions to ask about college when considering where you want to go or where you might want to apply. One time at a college fair, I asked a student who was looking at my table if she had any questions. She looked up at me and said she hasn’t given going…

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Tips for Living with College Roommates

Roommates in UST Guinan Hall

College brings us a set of new challenges: The “Freshman 15,” learning effective study habits and much more. But what about roommates? Living with a roommate in college can have its challenges, but there are some easy ways to avoid conflict and set ground rules so transitioning to living in a shared space can go…

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First Generation College Student: 3 Things I Wish I Knew

By Ronnie Piper However you decide to define first generation college student, it pretty much fits me. My parents did not complete a bachelor’s degree, I was the first in my family to attend a four-year college, the first to attain a bachelor’s, and for that matter, the first to hold multiple master’s degrees as…

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