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Tips for Sending ACT and SAT Scores to a College or University

Submitting SAT and ACT test scores is a requirement of the college admissions process. Unlike your high school transcript, you might provide SAT and ACT scores multiple times during the application process. Keep these things in mind when sending your test scores to colleges and universities:

Have a question about submitting your SAT of ACT Scores? Contact an Admissions Counselor today!

Understanding SAT Scores

All ACT and SAT Test Scores are Required

You might take either the ACT or the SAT once. Or you might take both, perhaps even multiple times. Though most schools will only use one when making an admissions decision, each school will have their own policy regarding which scores to send. So find out which test your college requires and send act test scores or your sat test scores. For instance, the University of St. Thomas requires all tests to be submitted, but we will superscore.

Each College Interprets Your SAT and ACT Scores Differently

Many schools are like UST and will superscore your tests. That means that they’ll take your highest test score, regardless of how many times you take the exam. UST looks at your SAT (pre-Summer 2015), your SAT (post summer 2015) and your ACT as separate tests. For your SAT, we will create a combined section score of evidence-based reading and mathematics. We will use your composite score for ACT. Some colleges will average out your scores while others may only take the highest one. Ask your college admissions counselor at each school to which you’re applying for clarification on this issue.

If at first you don’t succeed…

Even after applying or even being admitted to colleges, you can still retest. Perhaps you want to try and earn a larger scholarship since this is the fastest way to change your academic profile. UST will review your file after every new piece of academic information is received and if you score better, you can be reevaluated for scholarships. Most students who retake the test score higher because they’re more familiar with the test and the material, and you can always send your ACT scores or SAT scores again.

Send Your SAT and ACT Scores Automatically

Sending SAT Scores to a College or University

On the day you take either the SAT or the ACT, you are able to select which schools you’d like to have your scores sent to automatically. If you reach your limit and still want to add schools, you can have your scores sent at a later time for a small charge. There is online guidance for how to submit act scores and sending sat scores to colleges. Since this is your personal academic information, you must request them yourself. When you send your scores, you will need to use the University’s school code to have them sent. A school lets ACT or the College Board know which school to send the test scores since there are thousands of schools.

Follow Up: Make Sure the University Receives Your SAT and ACT Scores

Admissions counselors regularly looking for test scores to arrive. That being said, it is always nice and can make the process much faster when you let counselors know when to expect them. After each test is conducted, there’s an announcement about when scores will be available. Allow about 2 weeks for the college to receive the score, then call or send an email. And if you plan to test again, it is very important to convey that information.

Testing is going to be an important part of your college career; the SAT or ACT is the first test you will take on this journey. Make sure to familiarize yourself with each school’s process to ensure you make the best testing choices. Good luck!

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