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Marketing Lessons from the Beach

By Dr. John Story–I am sometimes amazed at what I can learn during a day at the beach. Watching crowds of people walk down the beach collecting shells reminded me of some of the challenges of marketing. In particular, I thought about what I call the curse of abundance.   ( COCKLE SHELLS Cockle shells…

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Defining Moments: Building Character One Decision at a Time

By Dr. Michele Simms—–We love reading the classics or watching classic films because of what they teach us about ourselves and about life; they are timeless gateways to authenticity. When we return to them years later, we continue to pull from the meaning of their deeper message. The HBR generates a list of its classic…

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Tools of the Trade: A Day in My Tech Life

By Dr. Jack Follis—Earlier this week Apple announced their latest iPods. As someone who uses their iPod Touch on an almost daily basis, and as a tech geek, I have been waiting for this announcement for the past year. While trying to decide if I should upgrade, I began thinking about the tech products I…

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Is There An Aerotropolis In Your Future?

By Dr. Roger Morefield —   AEROTROPOLIS – THE “FIFTH WAVE” An aerotropolis is a city anchored by an airport. Your first reaction to this may be, “huh?” Like most people, you might see the airport as a place to get in and out of as quickly as possible, and not a very good place…

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My Educational Pursuits in the CSB

  By Jorge Luis Gonzalez-Romo— I’m a University of St. Thomas graduate. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in Marketing from the Cameron School of Business. I would like to share my experiences as a student, and primarily how the CSB shaped me as a person, helped me develop my character, and helped…

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Market Mavens and Networking: Benefits and Costs of Network Participation

By Dr. Shuoyang Zhang — Market mavens are “individuals who have information about many kinds of products, places to shop, and other facets of markets, and initiate discussions with consumers and respond to requests from consumers for market information” (Feick and Price 1987, p.85). Previous research has suggested market mavens act as important social beings…

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The Economics of Karl Marx

By Dr. Hassan Shirvani —Karl Marx (1818-1883) was one of the most influential economists of the 19th century. His economics provided a bridge between the classical economics (1776-1850) and the neoclassical economics (1870-1936), with the latter being a precursor to the modern conservative economics. Indeed, much of the neoclassical economics was a reaction against and…

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A New Perspective on Team Work: Senior Seminar Reflections

By Emily Sebo–Teamwork has always been my strong suit. Being an athlete all of my life and a team captain for the University of St. Thomas Women’s basketball team these last four years, have shown me how much I enjoy being a part of a team. I work well with others and tend to thrive…

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Effective Leadership is About Personal Growth

By Ally Montillo–Our life experiences and responses to them are of critical importance in how our leadership skills are formed and the type of leaders we will become. Think of turning points in your career or academic path, ones that shaped you as a leader, a significant moment of clarity, adversity or diversity that changed…

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The Next Big Yes! Changed My Way Of Thinking

By Jose Cervantes– My volunteer experience as an administrative assistant in the finance and accounting department at the San Jose Clinic in Houston, Texas offers me engagement in real world matters as well as real-world business experiences. When I started, I was unsure of what to expect in a real-world business environment. As months passed,…

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