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ACG Competiton: CSB Finance Students are Victorious

Cameron School of Business (CSB) students from The University of St. Thomas participated for the first year in the 2016 ACG competition held in Houston, Texas. The team of finance students was lead and coached by Dr. Debby Su, Assistant Professor of Finance. The CSB students won second place in 2016 ACG case competition and expect to receive $7,500 awards, shared by six participating students: Omar Arif, Ada Espinoza, Aliya Heise , Christopher Lerma, Nguyen Nguyen and Chadi Saade.


History and Competition

Texas ACG Cup is a state-wide graduate mergers and acquisitions case competition, sponsored by Grant Thornton. Grant Thornton was founded in 1924 and provides audit, tax, and advisory services. This ACG Cup case study competition was designed to give finance graduate students experience and insight into mergers and acquisitions, investment banking, financial advisory and private equity. Teams were given two weeks of access to online webinars/document resources and one week preparation time for their case. The same case was distributed to all participating teams just one week before the competition so that all teams were competing on a fair basis. Participating students had the opportunities to present valuation, capital markets and strategic advice on the same project to a panel of professionals.


ACG 2016

This year, seven schools participated in ACG case competitions, including: Texas Christian University, Texas Southern University, University of Dallas, University of Houston, University of Texas Dallas, University of Texas at San Antonio and University of St. Thomas. Students in the winning teams received cash prizes ranging from $1,000 to $15,000 and the Texas ACG Cup. Most importantly, the finalist students’ resumes are printed in the booklet circulated in the Texas Capital Connection lunch.


Congratulations for a job well done to Dr. Debby Su and the team: Omar Arif, Ada Espinoza, Aliya Heise , Christopher Lerma, Nguyen Nguyen and Chadi Saade.




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