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A Day in the Life of a UST Student [Video]

Marwa Awad and friend

  A Day in the Life of a College Student With Marwa Awad ’17 7:30 a.m. I woke up an hour and a half later than I should have but I’m awake and that is all that matters. Before I rush out the door, enjoy a 10-second video tour of my dorm room so you…

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Networking Opportunities at UST | Celt Admissions Blog

Celts Exploring Business students visit Amegy

By Harrison Broker, senior finance major It’s not every day that a University of St. Thomas student has the chance to utilize the influence and reputation of the UST name. UST creates many opportunities for its students to expand their professional networks by attending networking events and meeting potential employers. On Feb. 20, 2015 UST…

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