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How to Succeed in College: Tips to Make the Most of Campus Life

College success tips from Student Government Association president Diego Lagos (2017)Diego Lagos ’17
Former President, Student Government Association 

Whether you think you’re ready to fly from the coop or not, you’re making plans for college…so get excited! These are going to be some of the most challenging years of your life, but also the most fun.

These years will develop you as a person and teach you more about yourself than you knew was in you. You will grow and learn so quickly, especially during your freshman year.

We’ve all heard that list of generic college lessons about things like have good time management, use a planner, get a good amount of sleep, etc. Yes of course those things are important, but what about those insider tips that only a real seasoned college student could tell you or what the best college students do to stay on top of things and get ahead while still enjoying college? Well here they are: The insider’s guide to how to succeed in college and get the full experience out of the University of St. Thomas.

Want to learn more ways to be successful? Reach out to our Office for Student Success for opportunities today!

My Top Tips for Being Successful in College 

College Success Tip #1: Set Early Deadlines

I have spent so many sleepless nights regretting my entire life trying to finish a paper or project, pulling an all-nighter. This is the last thing you want to do to yourself. Your grades will drop, your health will crash, and you will look awful the next day. Set a deadline for yourself to finish the assignment at least three days ahead of time and thank yourself later, and if you are really struggling in a subject, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Our Tutoring Center on campus is available, utilize it if you need to. You will thank yourself for the extra time spent studying rather than retaking a class over.

College Success Tip #2: Explore Houston

Houston is full of wonders and activities. There are so many awesome places to eat or have some coffee, so get in your car (or walk around) and go look for them. Houston is a very large city and not all universities have this luxury. We have endless access to parks and museums (discounted for UST students!), and it is a sin to not explore them all while you are young and have time. Some of the best memories will be made there too. So go explore.

College Success Tip #3: Choose Your College Friends Wisely

Choose genuine friends who have ambition, drive and loyalty. I literally mean “choose.” You do have a choice of who you hang out with, even as a freshman. If the kind of friends you had in high school were not your ideal friends, go look for different kinds of people. No one knows you yet, so you have that liberty. Make sure that these friends you choose are people who build you and motivate you. You need friends you can count on and trust. Don’t waste valuable time with people who aren’t pushing you to be better every day.

College Success Tip #4: Your Time in College is Gold – Don’t Just Give It Away

There will be days that you have nothing to do, and others that you wish a government mandate forced an extra three hours into the day, but your time is always going to be the most precious thing you have. If you feel that a certain activity is a waste, DO NOT DO IT. AT ALL. You do not have time to waste time in college. By that, I mean sleeping in too late or watching too much Netflix in your room, or even having friends who hold you down. There is so much to be done and you have exactly what it takes to do it. If you want to know how to be a successful college student: don’t let your time be sucked away by pointless things that don’t fulfill you.

College Success Tip #5: Experience More Than Academics

Go find an internship, volunteer opportunity or a job that will add valuable content to your major of study and, consequently, your resume as well. This will distinguish you from the average college student when you graduate and are looking for a job. Build yourself professionally, too. Join student clubs and grow within them. Take leadership roles and learn from them. This school is a pool of opportunity up for grabs, so stuff yourself with as much as you can take without becoming too stressed.

These are not just “five ways to being successful in college,” they are more like “five things you have to do no matter what.” If you look at these college success tips this way, I don’t have a doubt in my mind that your time in college will be 100 times better. Take the time to really think about who you are now and who you want to be by the end of this college experience, and make sure everything you do in between gets you one step closer. Don’t be afraid to take risks because these are probably the last years you can afford to do that.

Good luck, future Celt, and welcome to UST!

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About the Author — Ronnie Piper

AvatarRonnie Piper is the senior social media specialist for the University of St. Thomas. In addition to managing "likes" and "shares," he also serves as the University photographer.

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