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My CSB Experience: Reflections of an International Student

By Siyi (Gillian) Tian—

I’m getting a well-balanced educational and cultural experience from the Cameron School of Business at UST. I am an international student from China, and there are a lot of international students from other countries in the CSB as well. We all have our own subcultures, and so attempting to assimilate into the UST culture is sometimes challenging. However, the Cameron School of  Business has helped me through this process of assimilation. Some of the professors in the business school are not originally from the U.S. either. Therefore, since they are all great teachers, and we are all learning more about each others’ subcultures, I do not feel like an odd man out.

I am pursuing a BBA in both Accounting and Finance in the business school. All of the classes I am currently taking are the best classes to get me ready for the business world. I am learning how to interpret financial statements in my Accounting class, how consumers differ in my Economics’ class, and how the market works in my Marketing class.

I like the fact that UST is a smaller school with small class sizes. Because of the size, all of my professors know me well, and I know them, too. I always get a chance to ask them questions, and they are always there for me, willing to help. They are very kind and patient, and I am always happy to gain the knowledge that they impart.

The Cameron Business School offers a lot of great programs. For instance, there is the CSB Mentorship Program which matches you with UST alumni who are already working in the real world, preferably in your current field of study. This person will guide you and give you real-life advise, and he or she may also help you in your career search.

I also like The Celts Exploring Businesses program.  I was selected to become a part of the group that visted the PCT-CTS repair technology firm. The CEO, Mr. Richard, gave us a personal tour of the company. Through this tour, we learned as much as we could about the company within the limited time of four hours. It was really worth it, and I learned a lot. We even had lunch with Mr. Richards, and we got to ask him questions.

I am very grateful that the Cameron School of Business and the University of St. Thomas give students all these opportunities and benefits. All of the CSB professors not only offer educational help, but they also volunteer other useful information. I like the professors I have met so far. Even when I am no longer taking their classes, I plan on keeping in contact with them and seeking their advice in different areas of my life, so I guess you could say they will be my professors for life.

Siyi Tian
Cameron School of Business- Accounting and Finance Major

University of St. Thomas

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