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Expert Advice on Leadership: Words of Wisdom From UST President

By Denily Acosta IzzoWhen you are studying business, you feel a certain inclination to develop leadership skills because it makes you a better candidate when applying for a job. Leadership may come easily for an extroverted, social, and passionate individual or it may be a hard target to achieve for an introverted, shy, and a less passionate person. Today, I want to share with you five steps I learned from one of our University of St. Thomas leaders that can allow you to add leadership skills to your life and get you closer to that dream job.

The Leader of UST

I had the great opportunity to gain leadership advice from the UST President, Dr. Robert Ivany, who has proven leadership excellence in a variety of roles: citizen, soldier, and academic. Dr. Ivany was President of the US Army War College, Army Aide to the President Ronald Reagan, football coach at the Military Academy at West Point, and currently, he is the eighth President of the University of St Thomas. During his professional life, he has faced many challenges and has had the opportunity to learn from others while inspiring the future generations and strengthening their faith and character.

Five Keys to Leadership

During a 40 minutes meeting at the Cameron School of Business, Dr. Ivany shared his thoughts about the most effective ways to build leadership skills. He based his recommendations on his personal experience with the former US president Ronald Reagan, who became his model of leadership. I left the meeting with five key elements about leadership that I believe will make you and me a better applicant for any job and any role in life. Here are the five steps to becoming a leader as shared by Dr. Ivany:

  1. Leadership means inspiration. Find someone who inspires you to be a better individual, citizen, and professional. Meanwhile, be an inspiration for others. Share your thoughts, ask questions, find answers, and make connections with other people who can nourish your life with advice. At the same time, be aware that your actions can be a model for others even when you don’t notice it.
  2. Treat people with respect. Every time you interact with others take the time to connect with them and make the meeting memorable. That is the key to gaining respect and loyalty from your colleagues and people you interact with.  And most importantly, be aware that even your opponents deserve respect. In the end, social interaction is a key factor to becoming a leader.
  3. Keep your word and honor your promises no matter what happens. A leader must be reliable and responsible in order to inspire and motivate others.
  4. Stand for your values and cultivate your character. When facing difficulties and handling conflicts, only your values and character will lead you to overcome the situation.
  5. Cultivate your faith and believe there is a force beyond your human condition that can keep you safe and working for a purpose that transcends your individuality. This vision makes you humble to accept circumstances that are beyond your scope and keeps you in the game even in disadvantageous conditions.

Take the Challenge

The University of St Thomas is committed to educating leaders of faith and character, and you are one of them. This is an everyday journey and a continuous growth process. I invite you to be part of this new generation of leaders. Remember each of us has something valuable to offer, so take the challenge of becoming a leader, get that dream job because you have the best attitude, and beyond that be an inspiration for others where ever you are.

Denily Acosta Izzo
Master in Finance candidate 2015, University of St. Thomas

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