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Should Millennials Influence Corporate Practices?

By Seth Romo—When an HR Director of Odessa, a fictional oil and gas company, decides to hire employees after a layoff, she brings in new millennial talent and faces unexpected challenges. Simply: The new millennial employees find the on-call work rotations to demand too much of their time that could be spent elsewhere. This was…

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CSB Business Symposium: Family Businesses

By Erin Vallagomesa–I had the privilege of attending the annual Cameron School of Business Symposium on November 18, 2016, at the University of St. Thomas.  The keynote speaker and the speakers in the Family Business Breakout Session both shared excellent advice and wisdom about how to make a family business succeed. Keynote Presentation The opening…

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The Cameron Pledge

By Angie De La Cruz and Dina Alkhamis, President and Vice President of the Business Ethics Society- Cameron School of Business—— In alignment with the social responsibility and ethical initiatives that the University of St. Thomas-Houston has implemented in this past year, we would like to introduce to you The Cameron Pledge.  This project was…

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Women’s Business Ethics Forum Luncheon: Is “Too Much” Ever “Not Enough” in Executive Pay?

By Tho Nguyen—Every six months, the Houston Women’s Business Ethics Forum along with Murray Hill Institute(Texas),  host Business Ethics Forums to discuss and develop philosophical and actionable frameworks for ethical and effective business management. In addition, the forums are designed to empower women to transform culture through strong and ethical leadership. On behalf of UST…

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Coffee Hour With a Leader

By Gregory L. Krueger — On September 28, 2016, at the Cameron School of Business’ Celt Coffee hour, I had the privilege of hearing Mr.Bernt Netland, Chief Executive Officer and President of Chief Executive Officer and President of Intercontinental Terminals Company LLC, speak. The moment Mr. Netland began to speak, it was evident that he is…

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Advertising and Economics

By Dr. Hassan Shirvani–Advertising is an important feature of our daily economic life.  As we watch TV, listen to radio, read newspapers and magazines, and use social media, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements.  For this “privilege,” we are asked to pay some $325 billion per year, roughly 2 percent of our annual national income.  Given this heavy demand of advertising on our…

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Business Ethics Forum Luncheon: Hiring Well

By Angie De La Cruz–Every three months a group of peer executives in the Houston area gather together in a Business Ethics Forum to develop and implement philosophical and actionable frameworks for ethical and effective business management. Last Friday, September 16th, I had the fortune to attend the forum on behalf of the UST Cameron…

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Insight from Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers: Global Perspectives Speaker

By Jeffrey Coburn—On September 27, 2016, the Federal Reserve of Dallas, Texas, held its Global Perspectives Speaker Series, featuring Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers. I was interested in going to the event because I want to learn more about financial economics and international economics,  and two of the CSB professors, Dr. Hassan Shirvani and…

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