Introducing Faith Delehanty
The Call Toward Tomorrow goals were recently announced at UST’s inaugural Opening Day celebration. Those goals represent the hard work and collaboration of many Celts from across our campus and extended community. Achieving those goals is our top priority, and also something that we can only accomplish by continuing to work together. As President, it is my job to create a structure and process that leverages our collective efforts and facilitates success.
On that note, I would like to introduce you to Ms. Faith Delehanty. Faith is an experienced project and integration professional that I have asked to work with us to reach The Call Toward Tomorrow goals. As an accomplished leader with whom I have served previously, she brings solid and significant experience in higher education and the private sector. Faith received a B.A. degree in Social Studies and an M.S. degree in Education from the College of St. Rose, in Albany, New York, a private, independent college sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph.
Faith will office in Link Lee and will report directly to me. She will work with all of us to help us hold ourselves accountable to each other. She will engage closely with the Vice Presidents, Cabinet, and both our academic faculty and administrative staff. Best practices suggest that utilizing a person of Faith’s personal and professional attributes to implement complex and far-reaching initiatives will significantly enhance outcomes and overall success. The Call Toward Tomorrow is not merely a project we look to complete that will accomplish a few outcomes, but a transformative way of operating in the future as a premier Catholic institution of higher education. I’m very grateful to have Faith on our team as we focus on the future. I hope you will join me in welcoming her to UST.