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How to Vote as a Catholic


How should Catholics vote? The answer to this question is more complex than just choosing one political party or one political issue. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides guidelines for us in the document “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.”

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Celts Show Up for Students in Time of Need


On April 28, more than 350 donors rallied raising more than $205,000 for University of St. Thomas students on Giving Day. This Giving Day surpassed last year’s Giving Day total by more than $100,000. Giving Day is an annual initiative that unites students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends in supporting areas throughout the university…

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UST Artist Paints as Prayer


Since the third century, artists have been expressing the greatest mystery by creating icons, which means “image” or “likeness.” Visit with Al Sauls, B.A. in Studio Arts ’20, who touches people with his arresting religious icons and invites observers to feel their intimate connection to the world beyond this one.

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