President’s Letter

What drives a prospective student to seek out an education at the University of St. Thomas? Or a faculty member to start a program designed for students challenged with learning differences? What compels an alumnus to donate land to expand our mission to the north, or another to start a podcast aimed at advancing social justice? The answer to these questions reveals the strength and beauty of the Spirit of St. Thomas.
As Celts, we are all unique in our passions and abilities, but there is something vital we have in common; we are called to use those gifts to make our world a better place. Armed with an education that gives us not only the skills we need to survive but that helps each of us answer the fundamental question of purpose, Celts are making a difference everywhere you look. They are in the world but not of it; dancing on the razor’s edge where they can affect the greatest change.
This pandemic has truly brought out the best in our students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. As you read the pages of this edition of Encounter, you will see a community that truly lives our values. I hope the stories inspire you and that you, in turn, will continue to share your own stories with us, as you do your part to carry our mission forward.
Crescamus in Christo!
Richard Ludwick