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Day of Service: University of St. Thomas Volunteers Give Back

For UST’s annual President’s Day of Service, students, staff and faculty members were able to make a difference on campus and in the community. This volunteer event is hosted by the Office of Student Activities, and had a great turn out – 63 total volunteers.

Student Volunteer Projects:

Hope Bags For The Homeless

The volunteers accomplished a lot. 100 hope bags for the homeless were made. Each care bag was put together with love and included shampoo, alcohol-free mouth wash, hand soap, granola bars, tissues, water bottle, and utensils. All of which are vital items to have.

Hope Bags for Homeless

Fleece Blankets for the Texas Children’s Hospital Patients

Volunteers made 50 fleece blankets for patients at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Fleece Blankets - Itati Ortuno

Landscaping For The Community Garden

Volunteer landscapers were able to accomplish:

  • Spreading 5 cubic yards of wood chips to cover pathways
  • Spreading a pickup truck load of cardboard
  • Hand weed thousands of tiny leaves at the Community Garden

Community Garden - Brandon Parks

Handwritten Cards to UST Scholarship Donors

Some of the volunteers chose to write 205 cards to scholarship donors to thank them for supporting our students.
Volunteers write Thank You Notes

Painting the University of St. Thomas Lounge and the Chapel of St. Basil

Another group of volunteers decided to paint the UST lounge and the back hallway of the Chapel of St. Basil, but of which were well overdue.

Painting Lounge - Yarimar Vazquez

Volunteers paint Chapel of St. Basil

Volunteers also stuffed over 500 Catholic Worker publications into envelopes at Casa Juan Diego

The Impact of Giving

UST wants to thank everyone who was involved in making a difference for the President’s Day of Service both on campus and in the community.

Interested in Volunteering?

UST has many volunteer opportunities for those who are want to make a difference on campus and in the community.

Check out Volunteer Opportunities Today!

About the Author — Staff

AvatarThe University of St. Thomas is the only Catholic, liberal arts university in Houston, Texas. We have 35+ undergraduate majors including STEM, Nursing, Business, Education and Pre-Med. Located in a vibrant urban environment just minutes from downtown and the famed Texas Medical Center, we welcome students of all races and religions to our diverse and collaborative campus.

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