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Economics of Vanity Sizing

By Wan-Ju Iris Franz, PhD—“Size inflation,” also known as “vanity sizing,” is a phenomenon where the measurements of the same label size have been growing over time (The Economist)[1]. For instance, size 14 in Sear’s 1937 catalogue has similar measurements as a size 8 in 1967, which is a size 0 in 2011.[2] In my…

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How to Succeed in the Cameron School of Business: An Insider’s Scoop

Whether a student is a first generation college student or comes from a long line of college graduates, college can be a new world of experiences and challenges for students.  Many times students aren’t aware of the skills, behaviors, and habits that can make or break their academic career. The Cameron School of Business is…

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Why are Some Salespeople More Aggressive Than Others?

By Wan-Ju Iris Franz–Whether you are going to a car dealer or a luxury boutique, you are likely to be greeted by a salesperson. However, your experience with the salesperson at each location was probably quite different. In particular, you might find the car salesperson to be much more aggressive than his counterpart in a…

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