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Can There Be Too Much Finance?

By Dr. Pierre Canac –Finance certainly plays an indispensable and positive role in promoting economic growth and overall employment. However there is some evidence that the relationship between financial development and GDP growth is not linear, but instead has an inverse U-shape. As the size of the financial sector gets larger, at first GDP growth…

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A Critique of Behavioral Finance

By Dr. Hassan Shirvani—The recent global financial crisis has raised serious questions about the rationality of the securities markets.  In rational markets, prices tend to closely track their fundamental values, so that there is little or no chance of getting price bubbles.  During the run-up to the recent crisis, however, many asset prices, including those in the housing sector, seemingly deviated from their correct values, resulting in subsequent financial crashes around…

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Did Government Housing Policy Cause the Financial Crisis?

  The financial meltdown of 2008 impacted the global economy on an unimaginable scale. Many economists consider it the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It resulted in the threat of a total collapse of the global financial system, the bailout of many major banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas,…

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Are Financial Markets Efficient?

The efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) was developed in the 1960s to rationalize the empirical observation that security prices fluctuate randomly.  According to EMH, the random character of security prices is simply a reflection of the fact that security markets are efficient.  In efficient markets, new information comes to the market erratically and gets quickly reflected…

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