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How to Succeed in the Cameron School of Business: An Insider’s Scoop

Whether a student is a first generation college student or comes from a long line of college graduates, college can be a new world of experiences and challenges for students.  Many times students aren’t aware of the skills, behaviors, and habits that can make or break their academic career. The Cameron School of Business is…

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“Free 2 Rock” : A Fresh Look at the Fall of the Iron Curtain

By Dr. David Schein–In January 2016, the World Affairs Council of Houston, (“WACH”), hosted something a little different for that organization. The documentary “Free 2 Rock” runs approximately 60 minutes and focuses on how rock and roll helped to bring down the USSR by showing the residents behind the “Iron Curtain” what life and freedom…

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2014 Election Realities

By Dr. David Schein — A groundswell, also called a “wave” in the media, has swept the Republicans (“GOP”) into control of the US Senate and increased their lead in the US Congress. The implications for the next two years with Obama in the White House and beyond have lead to a number of quick…

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Lower the Minimum Wage

Despite the struggling economy, documented by a workforce participation rate of less than 63%, proponents have urged an increase in the Federal minimum wage. This is a bad move at the worst possible time. Even Janet Yellen, Chair of the Federal Reserve, indicated that loose monetary policies will continue due to the poor job market.…

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