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Seek Personal Fulfillment First: Money Will Follow

By Cameron Coffey–Manuel Aguilar’s advice for success to job seekers and young professionals is to seek personal fulfillment first. Sometimes fresh graduates, business majors in particular, tend to value the starting salary of a given job opportunity more than other, more meaningful factors. Aguilar, a UST BBA/MBA alumni, warned against this disposition during the Celt Breakfast Club event on March 8, 2016 at the Cameron School of Business. He also told the story of his career path, which includes over a decade of banking experience in many different capacities prior to landing a position at the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in 2014. As Chief Operating Officer, Aguilar actively advises and protects the interests of local businesses with connections to the Hispanic community.

The Message
Aguilar’s message was delivered in a very personal way, opening with around-the-table introductions where he asked each student about his or her aspirations and what knowledge they hoped to gain from him. He thoroughly answered the many questions we had for him during and after the session. His main point was that if you follow the money, you’ll be able to keep the lights on, maybe even put some steak on the table, but you won’t be truly happy. However, if you follow your real passions, your intrinsic motivations will push you in the right direction, towards happiness and eventually, money. On a secondary note, Aguilar stressed the importance of networking when trying to open up new doors professionally. Meeting new people, as well as making existing connections aware of your ambitions, can be the most effective way of developing new opportunities for yourself.

A Parting Gift
Not only were the attendees of this CSB event rewarded with a great deal of practical wisdom, we received a free breakfast, as well as invitations to attend the upcoming Hispanic Chamber of Commerce annual luncheon and business expo on March 24. This event normally carries the hefty price tag of $250, but it was graciously offered to us free of charge. Overall, my first Celts Breakfast Club experience was enjoyable and worthwhile. I highly recommend attending the Celts Breakfast Club,as it is a great networking opportunity, and hey, who doesn’t like free food?

Cameron Coffey
BBA – Finance, Graduating May 2016

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