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15 Days in Cuba: A Unique Study Abroad Experience

By Barbara Bordon –After the relaxing of the US embargo to Cuba in 2016, the island has received a considerable number of US travelers. The University of St. Thomas organized a study abroad trip to Cuba in August, and there were several undergraduate and graduate students interested in enrolling. I was not the exception. As…

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Study Abroad: My Experience in Europe

By Tracy Nguyen—I always knew I wanted to study abroad during my graduate career. I applied and was accepted to be a part of the University of St. Thomas European study abroad and was extremely elated to find out that I would have the opportunity to travel to London, England; Strasbourg, France; and Frankfurt, Germany.…

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Finding the Perfect Career for Me

By Lan Nguyen —Many of us can remember playing the popular app, Tiny Towers. With more than 10 million downloads, its users would create their own buildings by adding a variety of floors (e.g. living spaces, restaurants, retail stores, etc.). In addition, the users would integrate Tiny Tower citizens by assigning them jobs within the…

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Seek Personal Fulfillment First: Money Will Follow

By Cameron Coffey–Manuel Aguilar’s advice for success to job seekers and young professionals is to seek personal fulfillment first. Sometimes fresh graduates, business majors in particular, tend to value the starting salary of a given job opportunity more than other, more meaningful factors. Aguilar, a UST BBA/MBA alumni, warned against this disposition during the Celt…

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ACG Competiton: CSB Finance Students are Victorious

Cameron School of Business (CSB) students from The University of St. Thomas participated for the first year in the 2016 ACG competition held in Houston, Texas. The team of finance students was lead and coached by Dr. Debby Su, Assistant Professor of Finance. The CSB students won second place in 2016 ACG case competition and…

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Procrastination and Earning Announcements

By Dr. Debby (Chih-Huei) Su—Procrastination is prevalent in human nature. Psychologists have conducted tons of surveys, experiments and research, looking for causes and cures for procrastination. Commonly mentioned causes of procrastination include, but are not limited to, the following: lack of motivation self-regulatory failure[1] stress, or physical illness[2]   Cures for Procrastination Researchers and academic…

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Puerto Rico: Is it America’s Greece? (Part I)

By Dr. Pierre Canac—This is a two-part blog; the second part will appear next week. I usually write about international economics; however, this time I will let the reader decide whether this is what I am doing in this post. The Status of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth or a territory that belongs…

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Behavioral Finance:Two Cases of Stock Price Manipulation

By Nguyen Nguyen–On November 6th, the financial world was flooded with news of the indictment of a man using Twitter to manipulate stock market prices. It rang the bells of behavioral finance: noise trading, overreaction, and psychological biases. It is not new that individual investors “trade on noise as if it were information”(Black, 1986). However,…

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A Mathematical Gem from Euler

By Dr. Hassan Shirvani–The Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) is widely considered as one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived.  He made fundamental and path-breaking contributions to many areas of mathematics and physics.  In the following example, Euler displays the inspired ease with which he managed to crack some of the most difficult mathematical…

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Can There Be Too Much Finance?

By Dr. Pierre Canac –Finance certainly plays an indispensable and positive role in promoting economic growth and overall employment. However there is some evidence that the relationship between financial development and GDP growth is not linear, but instead has an inverse U-shape. As the size of the financial sector gets larger, at first GDP growth…

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