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Economic Outlook: Cyclical Recovery, Structural Challenges

The following are my reflections on the economy after attending the Cameron School of Business Advisory Board Lecture Series featuring John Silvia, Chief Economist, Wells Fargo: Recently, there has been talk about the recent recovery of  the economy. Everyone is guessing: are we really out of the trough? Is it a steady growth? How does…

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Is the U.S. National Debt Excessive?

As the recent tapering of the Fed purchases of government and mortgage-backed securities indicates, the efficacy of monetary policy in stimulating the US economy has started to face diminishing returns.  Indeed, much of the 3.4 trillion dollars of new money pumped into the economy by the Fed over the past six years in response to…

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A Meeting of the Minds: Alexis de Tocqueville and Thomas Piketty

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) is a French historian and political thinker who is best known in the United States for his book Democracy in America, which was published in 1835 following a trip to study the U.S prison system. Coming from Old Europe where wealth inequality was extremely large, he was impressed by the more…

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A European Perspective on the Future of the Euro Area

A few weeks ago I wrote on this same blog that the main economic problem facing Europe was Immigration.  However, I do not want to leave the readers with the impression that the current financial crisis is any less important and critical. Thus, I will now focus on that other problem, as if the first…

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Are Financial Markets Efficient?

The efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) was developed in the 1960s to rationalize the empirical observation that security prices fluctuate randomly.  According to EMH, the random character of security prices is simply a reflection of the fact that security markets are efficient.  In efficient markets, new information comes to the market erratically and gets quickly reflected…

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3D Printing: Localized Production in a Globalized World

3D printing is the way goods will be produced in the world of information technology. The goods would be produced in great quantities, yet they need not be mass produced; each item produced could be customized by simply tweaking software to suit the needs and specifications of a specific customer. And the goods could be…

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Europe’s Main Economic Problem May Surprise You

On February 9, 2014, just over 50 percent of Swiss citizens voted in favor of a referendum restoring quotas for immigrants coming from other EU countries. Switzerland, a country of eight million, is not an EU member but has negotiated several agreements with the EU guaranteeing the free movement of goods, services, people and capital…

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The Broken Window Fallacy and Keynesian Economics

Critics of Keynesian economics often use the so-called broken window fallacy, advanced in the 19th century by the French economist Frederick Bastiat, to reject the role of government spending in stabilizing the economy.   According to this fallacy, if a hooligan breaks the window of a bakery, the subsequent repair expenditures by the baker will have…

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Emerging Markets: Recipe for a Sustainable Growth

After a bullish performance for more than the last decade, the emerging markets are again slowing down due to external pressures exerted by the global markets. Their aggressive growth was fueled by strong commodity prices, thanks to double digit growth of China compounded by easy and cheap capital partly due to low interest rates in…

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Bitcoin as Electronic Currency


Exit the dollar, the euro, etc.  Not so fast!  Non-governmental currencies have existed before; however, an unregulated virtual currency is something new and different.  Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2009 by a computer scientist known only under the pseudonym Sutoshi Nakamoto.  Bitcoins are not held in bank accounts but in digital wallets…

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