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How to Succeed in the Cameron School of Business: An Insider’s Scoop

Whether a student is a first generation college student or comes from a long line of college graduates, college can be a new world of experiences and challenges for students.  Many times students aren’t aware of the skills, behaviors, and habits that can make or break their academic career. The Cameron School of Business is…

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15 Days in Cuba: A Unique Study Abroad Experience

By Barbara Bordon –After the relaxing of the US embargo to Cuba in 2016, the island has received a considerable number of US travelers. The University of St. Thomas organized a study abroad trip to Cuba in August, and there were several undergraduate and graduate students interested in enrolling. I was not the exception. As…

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A Fresh Perspective: My Internship at EY

By Natalie Guillen—Upon beginning my internship with Ernst and Young, I was both eager and apprehensive. The prestige associated with the firm instilled a sense of pride and excitement in me, but it also meant I had higher expectations. Along with starting at a reputable firm, I was enthusiastic to apply all of the knowledge…

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The Three Cannibals: Part One- The Problem

By Patricio Torres-Palacio, Ph.D.— Managers work with projects all the time.  It is pretty much their job.  For such a goal, knowledge and skills are necessary.  Among the  managerial skills that are indispensable for success in Project Management, several could be highlighted:  presentation, critical thinking, team building, and ingenuity.  Some of the most successful businesses…

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MCTM Students Experience the 2016 BIO International Convention

By Homer Quintana —My visit to San Francisco this June was a culmination of experiences and lessons learned towards the Master in Clinical Translation Management (MCTM) program at UST. The journey began with a Wednesday visit to the Moscone Convention Center for the 2016 BIO International Convention, the global event for biotechnology which showcases the…

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Psychology and Economics

By Dr. Hassan Shirvani—Among the collateral damages of the recent global economic crisis has been the reputation of the economics profession whose members famously failed to anticipate the financial tsunami that rocked the world. Enmeshed in their complex mathematical models with their highly unrealistic assumptions, most economists were seemingly as stunned by the suddenness and the severity of the economic downturn as the average person on the street.  Even Queen Elizabeth of England, on…

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Study Abroad: My Experience in Europe

By Tracy Nguyen—I always knew I wanted to study abroad during my graduate career. I applied and was accepted to be a part of the University of St. Thomas European study abroad and was extremely elated to find out that I would have the opportunity to travel to London, England; Strasbourg, France; and Frankfurt, Germany.…

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Supply Chain Disruptions

By Dr. Elham Mousavidin–On April 23, 2016, the Cameron School of Business (CSB) hosted the Disaster Recovery Institute (DRI) International’s one-day regional collegiate conference at the University of St. Thomas. This conference covers important topics such as disaster recovery, business continuity and risk management. Even though the conference was planned months ahead, the timing of…

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Finding the Perfect Career for Me

By Lan Nguyen —Many of us can remember playing the popular app, Tiny Towers. With more than 10 million downloads, its users would create their own buildings by adding a variety of floors (e.g. living spaces, restaurants, retail stores, etc.). In addition, the users would integrate Tiny Tower citizens by assigning them jobs within the…

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