UST’s Strategic Vision - President's Blog
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Strategic Vision Presentation Sketch a Bolder Vision for UST

Greater Things

Strategic Vision 2030

Get Ready For Greater Things

What do you see when you think about the University of St. Thomas in 2030? We recently asked every member of our extended community to think about their answer to that question. Our community and university leadership answered with great enthusiasm and great consensus, and that vision is already well underway!

Greater Things, the official name of our 2030 Strategic Vision, provides the foundation and roadmap to accomplish this shared vision. The plan has four priorities:

  • UST will be the model for Catholic higher education and known as a top Catholic university in the country.
  • The UST campus and community will be a premier place and an integral part of our greater Houston community.
  • UST will leverage international partnerships and be known locally and globally for innovation in Catholic education.
  • UST will be financially sustainable.

How is the plan being tracked and implemented?  A new project management tool, Goalscape, is helping us set time horizons and measure our collective success. Graphic representations within Goalscape show us each of the four priorities and whom they are assigned to. Each of the goal components in the graphic is gradually shaded in as progress is made. Clicking on each of the goals also allows for a deeper dive into the metrics used to measure it. Arthur Ortiz, who leads our Strategic Partnerships and Community Engagement efforts, is working closely with stakeholders across campus to track our progress. The community will get updates on that progress throughout the year and on social media.


From the recent renewal of our Core Curriculum to our official NCAA birth and a wealth of newly developed international partnerships, UST is without a doubt on the road toward Greater Things. Speaking of road trips, take a look at the journey Lenny is planning below, which includes many of our recently discussed community goals!

Thank you for all of your hard work over the past year in helping to shape this remarkable shared vision. Together, we can carry our great mission into the future, stronger than ever.

Dr. Richard Ludwick
President, University of St. Thomas

Greater Things

Learn more about the four priorities of UST's strategic vision.

roadtrip map


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