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Letter from the President

Presidents_Letter-Winter2019-featureDear Celts,

It has been a season of great growth and positive change at the University of St. Thomas. Record-setting incoming classes have blessed UST with more total students than we have ever had in the University’s history. Everywhere you look, the campus is alive and teeming with activity.

As we continue to grow, we do so with a sharp focus on mission, so our impact on Houston and the world also continues to expand. Our motto, “Crescamus in Christo,” reminds us that we are called to grow not only in size, knowledge and wisdom, but also in love and service of Christ.

As we celebrated the birth of Christ this Christmas, I have been honored to welcome record numbers of alumni who have been coming home to celebrate with us. It’s a good time to be a Celt!

As winter fades away over the coming months, spring is sure to bring even more positive change. As you’ll read in this issue of Encounter, there is much underway at UST, all designed to make the student and alumni experience the best it can be.

You can take great pride in being part of a university that has stayed true to its identity while securing its future as the best place in Houston to work and study.

Fearlessly forward,

Richard Ludwick
President, University of St. Thomas

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