Changing of the Guard
After Serving a Saint, New Dean Starts Strong

Mario Enzler’s heart, having been shaped from personally knowing two saints, adds a high-value dimension to the Cameron School of Business and uniquely positions the University to offer students of business the tools and knowledge to be exceptional leaders for the future.”
– Richard Ludwick
Dean On Fire to Contribute
It was as if a self-imposed timer was ticking on his dreams for the Cameron School of Business.
That describes the surprising speed with which Dr. Mario Enzler delivered his first bold ideas and inspiration as the new business dean at University of St. Thomas.
The former Swiss Guard who served a saint — Pope John Paul II — introduced a new Master of Science in Business degree for non-business majors (MSB) and, for members of the clergy, a M.S. in Ecclesial Administration and Management (MEAM) program.
Graduate Business Program Teaches Business Skills in One Year
With the initial new degree program, individuals who earned undergraduate degrees in the liberal arts such as philosophy, biology and political science may acquire their M.S. in Business for non-business majors in as little as one year.
“Business knowledge is essential to success in a multitude of fields, and the Cameron School of Business aims to make such knowledge available to a broader student base with these new degrees,” Enzler said. “Our students will benefit from this specially designed curriculum and so will the corporations and non-profits where they work.”
New Ecclesial Administration Degree Equips Clergy for Parish Management
Meanwhile, the new MEAM program supports clergy and other key individuals in parishes, dioceses and religious orders to expertly manage financial and human resources along with communications.
“Our priests must be equipped with the right methodologies and organizational techniques to manage their limited resources and respond to challenges responsibly,” Enzler said. “The MEAM program at UST addresses this skillset.”
In his prior professional roles, Enzler was in private banking and wealth management at the worldwide financial services firm, UBS. Afterward, he, his wife and five children, relocated to New Hampshire, where the couple co-founded a classical-curriculum high school. A few years later, the Catholic University of America recruited him to lead its finance program.
Throughout his diversely accomplished experiences, the role that has forever touched his heart is the original one — service as a Swiss Guard to St. John Paul II. Enzler’s recently published book, “I Served a Saint,” recounts his fascinating conversations with the pope and illustrates what he subsequently learns and shares.
In addition to Pope John Paul II, Enzler also met Mother Teresa, and it may be these two saints influences that stoke Enzler’s impressive drive to contribute and inspire at UST as if he is repeatedly pressing “start” on that imaginary timer.
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