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Foundations for a “Theology of Student Success”
In the realm of higher education—and education more broadly conceived—the language of “student success” has become ubiquitous. In its more limited sense, this phrase refers to retention, timely graduation, and job placement rates. Appropriately, broader definitions and discussions aim to clarify the larger purposes of the work undertaken by professors, administrators, and staff. And admirably,…

Who am I? Expressive Individualism and Catholic Higher Education
“Who am I?” At some point, every student (and every person) will ask this question. How we answer that question will determine the course of our lives. And if we have a role in helping our students answer that question, it would be difficult to exaggerate our responsibility. We must do our best to get…

What is Catholic Education?
Though it would be difficult to come up with a definition of Catholic education on which everyone would agree, we can begin by offering one for consideration: “Catholic education proposes to form the whole person—mind, heart, and hands—for flourishing in this life and the next.” Note two essential features: this definition places the complete and…