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Welcoming New Alumni Leadership

Amy H. Youngblood, M.Ed., Director of Alumni Relations

Lourdes Alberty M.D., MCTM ’18
Texas Heart Institute, Assistant Director Biorespiratory Core

“It is an honor and a pleasure to serve on the Alumni Association Board. I enjoy communicating with, engaging and involving alumni who have historically not been as active, such as younger alumni. Also, I want to help future generations of alumni to have the same opportunities and positive experience that I had.”

Ahmed AlRawi ’12, MCTM ’20
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Sr. Research Specialist

“My aim is to find additional, focused, innovative ways to generate support to our student community and alumni family. COVID-19 has impacted everyone’s lives in one way or another, but the impact has been drastic on students across the nation. Creatively bolstering the level of support available for the student community is my goal as a director and that of the board at large. Record-setting fundraising will allow us to support our students with their tuition needs while also alleviating the financial burden of lost wages that have impacted their livelihoods.”

Scarlett Ellingson Broenen ’15
Wells Fargo, Treasury Management Consultant

“I want our fellow alumni to know I’m working on their behalf. When I was a student, I radiated with pride at being a Celt, and the passion is ever-growing! I want that feeling to get stronger for all as we complete each academic year. I want to capture our emerging seniors and all alumni to strengthen our bond. Houston is very fortunate to have Celts, and it’s important to me that our alumni know we are incredibly fortunate to have them. My main goal is to raise awareness about how the Alumni Association serves our Celts.”

Jacob Dilworth ’18 
Kelly, Smith & Red, P.C.

“As a recent graduate on the Alumni Board, I want to help foster the University’s relationship with other recent graduates, keeping them engaged and active within UST. Recent graduates often take a ‘hiatus’ from university life to develop their careers, grow as individuals or travel the world. I want to encourage them to understand that UST can and should be there for those moments in their lives as well!”

Anissa Jones-Thomas, Master in Reading Education ’99
UST School of Education & Human Services
Instructional Technology Designer

“What I hope to accomplish as an Alumni Association director is to help our alumni find ways to remain engaged and connected to UST.  It is always important that we offer many different avenues for our diverse and growing community to enjoy and be able to show their support.”

Clare Kafoglis ’16
Bullpen Marketing, Brand Specialist

“My goal as a UST Alumni Association Director is to engage the University graduates in a meaningful way that recreates the sense of community they knew and loved when they were students. Being a part of the Alumni Association isn’t just about supporting UST – it’s also about remaining part of the Celt family, building community having a network of people to rely on.”

Barrett Lauer ’13
Hastings Equity Partners, LLC, Associate 

“I would really like to see an expansion of the representation and engagement of more recent alumni. The board has done a great job of keeping our more seasoned alumni engaged and involved, and I am hoping we can grow the involvement of our younger alumni base.” 

Ayan Martin, MBA in International Business ’16
HP, Inc., Strategic Procurement Professional

“I want the Alumni Association to be the first place that alums think of when they need support, want to engage and want to give. I strive to provide great ideas and support as a director and also grow closer to my alma mater.” 

Adriana Martinez ’17
Stonebridge Consulting, Business Development Associate

“My specific goals are three-fold. I want to be a voice for first-generation students. Second, I want to work toward creating more events that will benefit first-generation students. And finally, it would be great to develop programs for Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) that would benefit their network.”

Jake Metzger ’93
Hughes Peters, Branch Manager 

“As a member of the UST Alumni Association board, my goal is to help further UST’s mission and vision.”

Ashley Scott ’04, MCTM ’20
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Experimental Radiation Oncology Program Manager 

“My hope is to give back in ways that support the presence and reach of the University that played such a large role in shaping the way I view the world and those in it. I am so grateful for the enriching curriculum and community at St. Thomas. I have a strong desire to pay it forward by creating this opportunity for others through scholarships and strong alumni connections.” 

Lauren VerBerkmoes BBA/MBA ’07
PWC, Director 

“I want to share with alumni how the values of the University apply once they’ve graduated and encourage them to continue to stay involved as they grow personally and professionally. I also want to help raise funds for student scholarships, which make such a difference in the lives of deserving students and enable them to accomplish great things.” 

Elizabeth Vrettos, MSA ’10
Shell Oil Co., Investigations Manager-Business Integrity 

“My goal is to strengthen the connection between the Houston community, alumni community and academic community by delivering quality, innovative events to positively impact all of our alums and enhance our overall global image. Given the world events that occurred in 2020, now is the time to innovate and grow stronger as a community.”

Ross E. Williams III MBA ’18
FPG Fast Printing and Graphics, Owner 

“As an Alumni Association Director, my goal is to provide my expertise to an alum or student who is contemplating becoming an entrepreneur. The process of starting your own business can be overwhelming, unfamiliar and stressful. Still, the likelihood of succeeding is vastly improved when you have someone cheering you on.”

To learn more or apply to become a future member of the board of directors, contact

About the Author — Jamie Roark

Jamie RoarkJamie Roark is an experienced, Houston-based content creator & communications skills coach. Through her company, Simply Communicate USA, she especially enjoys helping Higher Education and healthcare organizations to tell stories that inform and influence.

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