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Setting the Cornerstone

Hubert ‘Hub’ Hawthorn, Jr.

Making Your Legacy Go Further

When Hubert F. Hawthorn, Jr. was recruited by Judge Carolyn Dineen King to serve on the University of St. Thomas Board of Directors in 1994, he could not have known how one invitation would impact not only his life, but also the lives of students to come long into the future.

Hub, a graduate of Lamar University in Beaumont, began his accounting career with Price Waterhouse, working in New York, Milan, and finally Houston, where he went on to launch a successful private practice.

Judge King had been nominated as chair of the board in 1994, but according to Hub’s wife Kay, would not accept the position unless her friend Hub came along to help steer the finance committee. By the time Hub completed two terms himself, UST had become an important part of his life.

“His involvement with the University meant a great deal to him,” Kay explained. “The proof is how long after his board service he stayed involved.” This included a role on the planned giving advisory board for many years, until his retirement and a move to Austin. In addition, he and Kay made generous donations to support the University, including establishing an endowed scholarship fund.

And just as Judge King recruited Hub to the board, Hub recruited his friend Ed Powell to take his place. But, as Kay puts it, Hub had a personal motive. “Hub was a convert to Catholicism, and Ed’s wife was Catholic. Hub knew if he could get Ed connected to Fr. Crooker, Ed would eventually come around.”

That’s exactly what happened, leading Kay to joke that they called Ed their “godson” after that! “Hub put heart and soul into everything he did for UST,” Kay said. Hub’s desire to see UST prosper for the long term led him to include a gift in his will during the Faith in Our Future Campaign for the Center for Science and Health Professions (CSHP). With his planned gift, Hub added membership in the Lillian & Stella Scanlan Society to his long list of contributions to the University. Membership in the Scanlan Society recognizes donors who have committed a part of their estate to the University through their will, beneficiary designation, or other giving vehicle.

When Hub passed away in 2023, the CSHP building had been completed for several years, so Kay discussed other uses for the bequest with Kiernan O’Connor, Director of Development and Planned Giving Advisor for UST. She decided to direct the funds toward student housing. Hub’s legacy gift will support the construction of a new student residence hall, with groundbreaking scheduled for fall 2025.

When students move into their new home on UST’s campus in 2027, Hub’s response to the call to serve will begin a new chapter.

To learn more about how your legacy can impact future generations of Celts,
Contact: Kiernan O’Connor at (713) 525-6904

About the Author — UST Staff

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