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Double Alumnus Returns as Campus Chaplain

Rev. Eduardo Rivera, CSB, ’14, M.Div. ’20

Most who visit the University of St. Thomas have an indescribable feeling when they arrive on campus. Whether it’s the Christ-centered community, the presence of the Holy Spirit, or the prayers of the Basilian Fathers, UST has a way of making people feel connected to its deep history. Countless students and alumni walked these blocks and said, “Wow. I am home.” This is the story of our Campus Chaplain, Rev. Eduardo Rivera, CSB, ’14, M.Div. ’20.

Those who have been at UST a long time remember seeing Fr. Eduardo as a student, devotedly attending daily Mass and working in Campus Ministry. But before that, he was a high school senior searching for the right college fit.

“When I was in high school in Arizona, I visited several universities, starting with the larger schools near home,” he said. “They offered everything imaginable—every program, tons of student services and plenty of resources—but something was missing.”

He expanded his search to other universities and Catholic schools farther from home but still didn’t find the connection he was looking for. Then he remembered UST, where his aunt had attended.

During a Thanksgiving trip to Texas, Fr. Eduardo took the opportunity to visit UST. “It wasn’t a formal tour, but my family and I explored campus on our own. We walked the Academic Mall, saw the University crest, and admired the Chapel of St. Basil. It just felt like home,” he said.

Even without anyone explaining the University’s history or showing him every building, he knew this was where he belonged.

“Now, as a double alumnus, it still feels like home,” he said. “UST is a home away from home for many. People come here looking for something particular to study, but they also find a community to support them, to help them grow in their faith and grow closer to Christ.”

As Campus Chaplain, Fr. Eduardo now leads UST spiritually and fosters the welcoming environment
he first experienced. “People come here looking for a place where they can be who they’re called to be, who God calls them to be,” he said. “If home is where the heart is, then our hearts are here at UST—because this is our home.”

About the Author — UST Staff

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