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President’s Letter


Dear Celts, 

2022 will be a year to remember at University of St. Thomas. As we approach the mid-point of our 75th Anniversary, we have been doing more than just celebrating. This Community is deeply engaged in strategic conversations, looking far into our future, asking and answering questions about the next 75 years and beyond. The following four areas frame our conversations as a new strategic vision emerges. 

We unite around the idea that our Catholic identity, or Catholicity, must lead the way. It informs our past, inhabits our present and guides our future. The Basilian Fathers’ founding values of Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge, along with Community, remain the cornerstones of a UST education. Thank you, Basilian Fathers! Crescamus in Christo! 

People also want to make sure UST will be known as a Premier Place. From our physical to our technology infrastructures, UST needs to be a world-class operation to attract students from far and wide. New residence halls and investments in the library are at the top of the list. 

Speaking of world-class, the most often heard word at our strategic vision sessions is Global Reach. There is an insatiable appetite to share our unique brand of Catholic higher education with the world. UST cannot deny the idea that it must march forward as a leader across modalities from on-ground micro-campuses to online programs. Siempre Adelante! 

Finally, a question on everyone’s mind: How will we pay for all this? Great question! From growing our already impressive endowment to spinning off our most profitable programs, strategies to grow Resources are plentiful. If we’re going to dream big, we need to have the means to make it happen. 

In our previous Encounter edition, we celebrated our illustrious past; this one celebrates our promising future. Be a part of the story by visiting Let’s make it happen!    

Richard Ludwick
President, University of St. Thomas

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