Realizing the Digital District

Dream for a moment. Envision Houston as a “walkable city,” highly attractive to companies like Amazon or Apple. Forget that the former, not long ago, turned Houston down as a location for its second headquarters, saying it lacked an enlivened place for employees to live and work and thrive. Now, go back to the dream. Because this is lucid dreaming where the dreamers are in control, and Houston, with help from UST and others, builds a true high-tech hub that becomes a magnet for more.
In the dream, Houston features a vibrant, walkable area with restaurants, concerts and culture. It’s the Bohemian artsy center of the city.
But wait. That sounds like the Montrose/Museum area of town near Hermann Park, University of St. Thomas and more. An area tied to downtown and the Texas Medical Center by Metro train. A community already designated as one of the 10 most walkable neighborhoods in the country by The American Planning Association.
Now, enter a new, expanded concept. An exciting possibility for Houston, Montrose and UST. Introducing Bridge City, more than a dream – the future.
As details emerge, Encounter will continue reporting the ongoing development of Montrose’s digital arts district, “Bridge City.”