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Small Campus with Big Purpose


Texas is growing fast, outpacing much of the rest of the country, and within Texas, Conroe is outpacing everyone. When city officials reached out to UST in 2018 about bringing UST north to Montgomery County, it was a prospect well worth exploring. After much research, UST is making that dream a reality, and starting off in a new and innovative way. The Conroe Micro-Campus, or ‘personal campus’ as some are calling it, will open in early 2020, and centrally located on the town square.

What is a micro-campus? Ours will serve several purposes, all with the same objective – to leverage a small footprint to expand the reach of UST’s mission and educational programs while helping Montgomery County grow. The best way to understand how UST can successfully accomplish that is by getting to know the community. The 1,500 square-foot Micro-Campus will serve as a location to engage with Conroe through a variety of info-sessions and community events. These will center around existing online programs, the new accelerated nursing program that will be offered in the area, veteran engagement events, athletics exhibitions, music events and much more. Through these events, residents will get a chance to learn about and enroll in our existing online programs, and we will learn what additional programs might have the greatest impact on their lives and careers. The space will also serve as an outpost for alumni who live in the area and for UST fundraising events.

Over recent months, UST has been getting to know the residents at events hosted by Sacred Heart Church and will continue to engage with local churches and faith organizations that are eager to see a Catholic university coming to their neighborhood.

About the Author — Jeff Olsen

AvatarJeff Olsen leads the marketing, branding, communications, public relations, and social media efforts and initiatives at the University of St. Thomas. Olsen came to St. Thomas from Sam Houston State University, where he served as the director of marketing and communications.

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