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I am a Thief – UST Students ‘Steal’ Invaluable Education

Quite a statement for an alumni of UST. Before you track me down and tell me to pay up, please consider what I stole.

From Father (Vincent) Guinan, I took encouragement and example. If he could build a successful university with a goal to know, love and serve God, then I, the thief, could steal his encouragement and example to build a small unit, the family, in the same way. I took his patience, organization and love of God and molded the same ideas into a family that, today, has had some measure of success.

From Father (Alfred) Caird, who suffered me through a case of scruples with kindness, listening and guidance, I stole those virtues to apply to my own children and all those who came to me with feelings of unlovedness. I also took his concern for all his students in to my CCD classes to become a listener and teacher.

From Father (Edward) Sullivan, whose lively, exuberant teaching methods brought reason, logic and faith into clear form, I stole this method to teach my children as well as all classes outside the home.

From Dr. (Margaret) Shay, I stole dignity and poise from a woman who was proud to possess such characteristics. I took them to the PTA, the Ladies Society and the Homebuilder Auxiliary and all organizations where I gave, as did Dr. Shay, the best I could be.

From Father (Joseph) Meyers, I stole the understanding that professors are people too, who must do mundane things like painting a lab. His examples helped me to accept the myriad of tasks given a wife, a mother, teacher or friend.

From Dr. (Raymond) Kelly, I learned to love the person, not the actions. When I failed American History, and I knew I was a failure, he showed me this great difference—I just did not pass the course.

From Mrs. (Myrtle) Kiley, I stole the ability to care and give independence at the same time. This is an art, and one that takes years of practice, but from her beginning, I am still learning.

From all the teachers, students and friends who peopled my life at UST, I stole laughter, learning and love. With these I sprinkled my life each day, so that whoever came into my life would have a gift from me, or like me, could steal any part they needed.

I am a thief.

Editor’s Note: The essay above won first place in UST’s 40th Anniversary Essay Contest. The winner, Marge Thielepape Gibbens (deceased), was a member of the UST class of 1955.

What did you “steal” from UST?
We want to know what you value most about your years at UST. Find us online and use the hashtag #USTThief to share with us what you “stole” from UST.

About the Author — UST Staff

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